Logging in to your Farm Club account
You have the keys to your Farm Club membership! That means you can pause, skip, cancel, select add-ons as much or as little as you'd like. You have two options for account access, they are listed below:
Option 1: On the right hand corner of the North 44 Farm website, you'll see a person icon (screenshot below with yellow circle around the login icon) where you can create an account. Once you have created an account on the website, it will connect your Farm Club account with the account you just created.
IMPORTANT: Create an account using the email you signed up for Farm Club with. Once you've logged in you will see a link that says Manage Subscriptions which will take you to your subscription settings.

Option 2: No account required, just email me at hello@north44farm.com and I'll send you a Magic Link. This link will take you straight to your account settings and is unique to you, requires no login, but is only valid for 7 days.
Lastly, please know that I'm always available via email (hello@north44farm.com) and text (541) 241. 2057 if you have any questions or pack requests for your upcoming box.
That's all! Thank you so much for being part of our Farm Club, it really means so much to us and is the heart of our small business. We so appreciate you!